Affiliate Disclosure

Borehole Flow occasionally engages in cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions, and other types of compensation. Some of our content may include affiliate links. If you purchase after clicking on one of these links, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost.

At Borehole Flow, we adhere to word-of-mouth marketing standards. Our commitment lies in maintaining honest relationships, opinions, and identity. Transparency is critical, and we strive to communicate openly. Our compensation might influence the advertising content, topics, or posts on this website. However, any content, advertising space, or post will be identified as paid or sponsored.

Occasionally, we may be compensated to provide genuine opinions on products, services, websites, and other topics. We embrace the opportunity to share our honest opinions and take pride in doing so.

While we may receive compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always present our genuine opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences regarding those topics or products. This authenticity extends to real-life situations.

The views and opinions expressed on and its associated social media channels are our own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or relevant party. Any inaccuracies attempts at humour, or other faults are likely our own, and we apologize for any unintended oversight.

Borehole Flow is a personal blog written and edited by the team at For inquiries and compliments, please get in touch with us at We also welcome constructive criticism but kindly ask that you approach us with respect and understanding, as we value positive and considerate interaction.